Nov. 16, 2020: Message from the Superintendent about COVID case

Dear BKW students, families and staff,

The district learned on Sunday, Nov. 15 that a member of the BKW school community has tested positive for COVID-19. The infected, however, was a Remote Only Learning student and never reported to school in-person, thus never came in contact with other students or staff on school grounds.

Please note that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other privacy laws restrict us from disclosing or confirming any personally identifiable information. We cannot identify anyone who has tested positive.

The Albany County Department of Health is aware of the situation, has begun the tracing process and is working to identify this individual’s contacts in the community. Health Department staff will reach out to all contacts and advise on the need to quarantine and to arrange testing of those exposed.

Please contact your building principal or Office of the Superintendent of Schools with any questions.

Timothy Mundell
Superintendent of Schools