Dogs teaching Bulldogs

Deputy Stone talking to class 

Michaela Kehrer’s Small Animal Care class had some canine visitors this week to demonstrate the many uses of dogs in the workplace. They were first visited by BKW’s Dr. Katrina Emmerich and Maggie, on Tuesday, Oct. 26. Dr. Emmerich discussed the role of a canine therapy dog in the school setting, as well as how it differs from a service dog or emotional support dog. At the presentation’s end, Maggie showed the students some of her favorite tricks.

Students were visited the following day by Deputy Joey Stone and his K9 partner Casey, from the Albany County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Stone discussed the use of K9s in law enforcement, and Casey demonstrated how she tracks down a suspect or lost person. 

BKW students also regularly work with Willow, a therapy dog in the secondary school.

Dr. Emmerich and Maggie in the classroom

Deputy Stone and Casey outside the school

Dr. Emmerich with Maggie in front of the class in the classroom