Nominate for BOE Recognition Award

Do you know someone who has served BKW Schools with distinction or who has proudly represented BKW in their career or community service?

Consider nominating that person for a Board of Education Recognition Award.

Each year, the Board of Education holds a recognition ceremony where the board recognizes those individuals who have given outstanding service, or who have brought outstanding recognition to the Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central Schools. This award is in the form of a specially commissioned pin, and is the highest award the District bestows.

The public is invited to participate in the process by nominating candidates they feel meet the award criteria.

  • Rules for Nomination Who May Nominate? Any student, resident, or staff member may nominate candidates.
  • Who May Be Nominated? Any teacher, student, non-teaching staff member, community resident or non-community resident may be nominated.
  • How Do You Nominate a Candidate?

1. Complete the application form.
2. Return the application to any school office by November 1st.
3. Or, mail the application to the Board of Education, Recognition Awards, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne, NY 12023.