
It is the duty of all concerned with middle/high school athletics:

  1. Learn and understand the rules of your sport. Play hard, play to win, but play fairly within the rules.
  2. Maintain self-control. Do not allow your emotions to distract you from the fundamentals of good sportsmanship.
  3. Respect your opponent.
  4. Show courtesy to visiting teams and officials.
  5. Acknowledge good play.
  6. Respect the integrity and judgment of officials. Never question the decision of an official.
  7. Be an example for your school, teammates, and opponents.
  8. A player who is disqualified from a contest for unsportsmanlike behavior by an official is prohibited from playing in the next regularly scheduled contest.
  9. A player who strikes or otherwise physically assaults an official will be subject to an extended suspension from athletic competition. A physical confrontation with an official is any incident in which a player strikes, bumps, or otherwise physically or verbally intimidates an official prior to, during, or after an athletic contest.